
The Epistle to the Ephesians: A Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

A classic ecumenical commentary on Ephesians. In addition to detailed exegesis, Schnackenburg pays special attention to the history of interpretation of Ephesians, taking account of comparative material in the history of religion and, at the end of each exegetical section, shows how findings are relevant for today. The theological focus is the concept of the church, giving rise to ecumenical...

Christ has reconciled strife-torn humanity with God ‘in one single body’. It is a matter of debate whether the author is thinking of the body of Jesus on the Cross or of the ecclesial Body (the Church as the Body of Christ) or even of both in so far as the Church is already represented and begins to be realized in the body of the Crucified. The stronger arguments give reason to assume that the author is already thinking in a terse style of the new unity of the two previously separated groups—i.e.
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